Writing an Irresistible Query Workshop

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Learn how a literary agent evaluates queries LIVE!
The query letter is crucial to your submission journey, but they give writers an endless headache. How to boil down all of your hard, creative work into 250 to 450 words? Let a former literary agent guide you through what an irresistible cover letter is—and isn’t—and how to pull yours off with style and flair. This workshop involves a presentation covering query basics and best practices. Then reader submissions are workshopped, with different genres, categories, and talking points each time. 

Break Out of the Slush
Query letters are the most controversial topic in publishing. They’re your foot in the door in the slush pile, and a good one will launch you toward your publishing goals. Learn how to write a compelling query from a former literary agent, get advice for agent and publisher research, and discover some surprising submission dos and don’ts. 

LIVE Query Editing
After a brief presentation, I will workshop between three and five submissions from attendees. You will receive submission instructions before the workshop, and if your query is chosen, it will be marked up and discussed for the whole group to see.

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About Good Story Company
Your story matters—and we're here for every step of your writing journey. Good Story Company is dedicated to helping all writers unlock their potential. Your best story is waiting. Let’s take the next step together.

Presentation by
Mary Kole

About Mary Kole
Former literary agent Mary Kole founded Good Story Company as an educational, editorial, and community resource for writers. She provides consulting and developmental editing services to writers of all categories and genres, working on children’s book projects from picture book to young adult, and all kinds of trade market literature, including fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and memoir.
She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and has worked at Chronicle Books, the Andrea Brown Literary Agency, and Movable Type Management. She has been blogging at Kidlit.com since 2009. Her book, Writing Irresistible Kidlit, a writing reference guide for middle grade and young adult writers, is available from Writer's Digest Books.

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